Can you lose weight without the diet? More habits to try for a healthier you

Last week we looked at five ways you can lose weight without going on a “diet”.  Let’s look at five more habits you can adopt to drop a few pounds and start to get in shape for the summer.  Too often we go on a “diet” lose some weight and then regain it once we go off the “diet”.  But what if we adopted habits that helped us not only lose a few pounds but keep the weight off when we do lose it. 

So instead quick diets, quack diets, fad diets, try some new eating habits and lifestyle habits to take off the extra holiday pounds.  Here are five more habits to try from the article:  10 ways to Start Losing Weight, No Matter How Unmotivated You Are.

1.  Set some health goals that have nothing to do with the number on the scale
  • Rather than just focus on losing pounds, focus on getting some health measure healthier.  Have cholesterol a little high, how can you change eating and exercise habits to bring down your cholesterol?  A relative did have his cholesterol above the normal range but didn’t want to take any drugs.  He told his doc that diet and exercise would be tried first before any meds.  Although he had a a pretty good diet, he wasn’t getting enough fiber.  Fiber, like the fiber in oatmeal or Cheerios, helps you absorb less cholesterol from food.  The “Heart Healthy” claims on the box are true.  And most of us need more fiber, a whole lot more fiber than most of us are eating each day, about 38 grams a day for guys and 25 grams a day for the ladies. 
  • Fitness goals – no, not the, “I will go to the gym everyday” goal but a more realistic goal.  I will do 10 body squats today, or 10 sit-ups, or today I will walk for 20 minutes after dinner.
  • Why does this help?  Because you want some successes – reach a goal like doing 10 sit-ups and pat yourself on the back.  I found 2 simple back exercises in a magazine.  One is the “egg roll”, you do this just 5 times a day.  I’ve tried it and in only a few days my back feels better and it only takes a few seconds to do.  So very rewarding.
   2.  Get a support team – who doesn’t want some cheering them on?  It doesn’t have to be a family member or even a close friend.  Maybe the fitness instructor at your gym can give you a thumbs up when you show up.  Or get some exercise buddies.  I have friends that I pretty much see only at the gym.  Or ask a friend to join you in exercising.  My daughter walks with a friend after work one day a week.  A time to catch up and get a few steps in. 
Walk more
           3.  Move more, sit less – Have you heard about a syndrome many people are suffering from, the “dead butt syndrome”.  Yes, Google it, there really is such a thing.  Sit too much and you can get this syndrome too.  So, focus on moving more and sitting less.  Have a sit-down job?  Then get up every hour and walk around to the water fountain to get a drink, walk around the office.  Watching TV?  Get up every 30 minutes and move.  (No, not to the fridge.)  And this “move more” also has a name. It is called non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).  There is actually a video you can watch about not exercising, but just moving more.  Little ways you can move more and sit less.  I am a big fan of NEAT.  I park far away.  I take the steps and walk past the elevator.  Little habits every day, that add up to your getting more exercise all day, every day. 

       4.  Kitchen food makeover – open the fridge and stock it with healthier choices – easy to grab fruit, 100% juice, 2% low fat cheese sticks.  Grab and go but not grab and calories.  Open the pantry – have some easy to eat or make snacks.  I like microwave popcorn.  Popcorn is whole grain and a healthy snack.  Buy some Sun Chips – also whole grain.  Buy some Wheat Thins, Triscuits and add some cheese for a snack.  Have some easy but healthier choices for your kids to eat after school.  Make some pudding. Yes, pudding has some sugar but it is also a way to get healthy cow’s milk and more calcium and vitamin D into your child’s day.  Let them help you make the pudding and teach them some math by measuring the milk and stirring for the timed 2 minutes. Offer your kids some milk and peanut butter cookies, or oatmeal cookies with raisins or chocolate chips.  Or let your kids have a bowl of any General Mills’ cereal as a snack.  Great way to add some whole grains and cow’s milk to their day.  Have some yogurt in the fridge for a healthy snack choice. 
Whole grain cereals for a healthy snack
     5.    Hate that workout? Then switch to something you like.  Just because your friend walks on a treadmill for exercise, doesn’t mean you have to.  What do you like to do for exercise?  I enjoy spinning class and biking outside.  My husband doesn’t like spinning classes and prefers to bike outside.  Some people like aerobics and others like yoga.  Mix it up.  Go for a hike one time and bike another time.  I don’t like to lift free weights but I don’t mind some weight machines.  Others may prefer the free weights.  Try different classes, different exercises and find what works for you.  

Five more “habits” to try this week.  Living a healthier life in 2018, isn’t about “giving up” foods you like.  So many people look at a healthy lifestyle as going on a diet and “giving up” all the food they like.  Actually, adopting a healthier lifestyle is adding foods and exercise to your life.  Just adding a glass of 100% orange juice every day is a healthy habit.  Adding oatmeal or Cheerios or any General Mills’ cereal is a healthy habit.  Taking a walk most nights after dinner is a healthy habit.   Eating a yogurt at lunch every day is a health habit.  What healthy habit will you add to your life this week?


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