What foods to pack for the beach

Going to the beach this summer?  Or to a summer cabin or lodge?  What foods and snacks can withstand the sun, sand and taste good from the cooler?  Remember to keep cold foods cold.  Foods that need refrigeration shouldn’t be left out for more than an hour in the heat of summer.  Use ice packs in the cooler or freeze some water bottles and use these to keep the food cold.  Once at your destination, cover the cooler with a blanket or towel or keep in the shade under that beach umbrella.   

  1. Hard boiled eggs – peel them before you go.  A great high-quality protein snack and low in calories.  If you get some sand on them, just rinse with water and eat.
  2. Wraps – may work better than sandwiches made out of bread.  You can protect the wrap with aluminum foil and peel it back as you eat the wrap.
  3. Buy a rotisserie chicken – use as a main course then as sandwiches.
  4. Bars – easy to pack and store.  Add some healthy ingredients like oats, dried fruit, nuts.  
  5. Fruit kebabs – great idea for a summer side.  Choose whatever fresh fruit is in season.
  6. Smoothie – make up a smoothie before you leave and keep it in an insulated bottle or thermos.
  7. Yogurt – another great protein boost.  Easy to pack (remember the spoon) or get the yogurt that you squeeze.
  8. Hummus and veggies – pack some cucumber slices, baby carrots, celery.
  9. Trail mix – great way to snack on healthy options – dried fruit, nuts, oats, coconut.  
  10. Cracker Sandwiches of whole grain crackers and cheese.  Triscuits are often a favorite or try some Kashi crackers or the Mult-Grain Crackers you can buy at Costco.  Instead of cheese bring some almond butter and add some fresh fruit like blueberries, banana slices or raspberries.  The salt on the crackers also replaces some of the electrolytes lost in sweating.

     11. Stay hydrated with water or food that has a high-water content. 

a.    Water – Choose the Spring water and not just the water that has been purified.  Or bring some of the tasty sparkling waters that are so popular. 
b.    Watermelon – many fruits like watermelon have a high-water content.  Watermelon is 92% water.  A slice of watermelon helps you hydrate while adding many nutrients to your day like vitamin C.  And watermelon supplies some electrolytes that you may be sweating out when at the beach.  Try a watermelon and feta cheese salad to pack in some protein. 
c.    Oranges – another fruit loaded with water.  Interesting that vitamin C which is provided by oranges and watermelon has been shown to limit the skin damage done by the sun.  According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), vitamin C “supports important and well-known functions, stimulating collagen synthesis and assisting in antioxidant protection against UV-induced photodamage”. 
d.    100% juice – another way to not only hydrate but if you choose a citrus juice you have another way to add some vitamin C to your day.
Watermelon - good for hydration and vitamin C

 Enjoy your time at the beach or cabin and bring along some snacks to enjoy.  Easy to bring along snacks to help you hydrate and to protect your skin from sun damage.

Sources:  snacks, cold, water, vitamin C, NIH  Image sources:  Crackers , Watermelon, fruit


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