What are the health benefits of tea?

Many people are coffee lovers including me.  But I also enjoy a cup or two of tea every day.  Add some tea to your day and you add many health benefits.  Tea is rich in antioxidants, some vitamins, and minerals, and has been linked to improved heart health, better digestion, and enhanced mental clarity.  Some studies have shown tea may decrease one’s risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer.  Whether you prefer green, black, oolong, white or herbal teas, each type of tea offers its unique array of health-promoting properties.  In this blog post I explore the many health benefits of enjoying some tea.  

Black Tea

What is it made from?  Made from leaves of a plant.  Oxidation, “leaves exposed to moist oxygen-rich air”, is what turns the leaves from green to a black color. 

Examples:  English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Darjeeling Black Tea, Ceylon Black Tea  

Health Benefits: 

  • Heart: Drink black tea often and you lower your risk of heart attack.  Why?  Because black tea contains theaflavins that help fight inflammation and relax blood vessels.  The theaflavins also help lower your blood cholesterol. 
  • Blood Pressure:Studies show that with every cup of tea you drink daily, you can lower your blood pressure…”.  Drinking just two cups of black tea a day can lower your risk of a stroke by 16%.    
  • Cognitive Function:  Black tea contains the amino acid, L-theanine.  This helps you produce steady energy and may help with cognitive performance like memory tasks.  

Green Tea

What is it made from?  This tea is made from leaves steamed just after they are picked so leaves retain the green color. 

Examples:  Sencha, Hojicha, Jasmine, gunpowder, matcha

Health Benefits:  According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Green tea may be the healthiest tea you can drink.”

  • Heart Health:  Studies have found that drinking green tea can lower both total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels.  Lower levels lower one’s risk of heart attack and heart disease as high cholesterol can clog arteries and is a risk factor for heart problems. 
  • Stroke:  “A 2023 study found that people who drank two to four cups of green tea every day lowered their risk of stroke by as much as 24%.”
  • Inflammation:  Green tea is an inflammation fighter as it is rich in flavonoid antioxidants, especially EGCG. 
  • Cancer:  Some research indicates the “anti-inflammatory properties of green tea may lower the risk of certain cancers and of cancer returning.”  These cancers include:  breast cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and stomach cancer. 
  • Cognitive Functions:  Similar to black tea, green tea also contains the amino acid, L-theanine and EGCG.  One study found that adults who drank green tea frequently, “had a 64% lower risk of memory loss or concentration issues” which is even better than black tea. 
  • Stronger bones:  What does green tea have to do with your bones?  Drinking green tea can not only protect against broken bones but also osteoporosis by keeping bone stronger as one ages.    
  • Type 2 diabetes:  The amino acid L-theanine in green tea is not only food for brain but may also help prevent type 2 diabetes by improving blood sugar control by lowering fasting blood glucose levels.  But this is tea without added sugar.  Tea sold in bottles and tea at coffee shops can have lots of added sugar. 

Herbal Teas: 

Herbal teas have no caffeine which many people like. 

  • Chamomile:  Choose chamomile for a good night’s sleep as it has a good reputation as a sleep aide.  Also good for digestion.
  • Ginger:  May help with nausea, indigestion, and constipation.  It may reduce inflammation, and thus may help with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.  It can sooth sore throats and ease congestion. 
  • Peppermint:  Bad breath?  Drink some peppermint tea.  Also good for tension headaches, digestion, bloating.  Feeling tired?  Some peppermint tea may help boost your energy levels. 

In conclusion, while coffee remains a beloved staple for many, incorporating tea into your daily routine can offer a wealth of health benefits.  From antioxidants and vitamins to improved heart health, better digestion, and enhanced mental clarity, tea is a powerful addition to any diet.  Studies have shown that tea may even help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.  Whether you favor black, green, oolong, white or herbal teas, each type brings its unique health-promoting properties.  So, the next time you reach for a beverage, consider the many virtues of tea, and its soothing, health-boosting effects. 

Sources:  studies , Oxidation , Examples: , heart attack , Studies , Drinking , Cognitive Function:  , made , Examples , Cleveland Clinic , Studies , Stroke , 2023 study , research , cancers , study , memory loss , bones , type 2 diabetes , Ginger , Peppermint   Images:  Health benefits of tea, Black tea 


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