Is Sparkling Water a Good or Bad Choice for Your Health?

So many of my relatives have switched from drinking sugared sodas to drinking sparkling water.  What are the pros and cons of switching to sparkling water?  My sister sent me several articles about sparkling water that answers these questions.

What is sparkling water?

Sparkling water is also called “seltzer water” or “carbonated water” as it has carbon dioxide bubbles in it.  There are many kinds of sparkling water including: “club soda, soda water, seltzer water, mineral water, and tonic water”.

  • Mineral water:  water from a mineral spring or a well that may contain some minerals, sulfur compounds and natural bubbles.
  • Tonic water:  has quinine and added sugar or added high-fructose corn syrup.  The quinine gives it a bitter taste. 
  • Sparkling water:  Water with carbon dioxide added to make it fizzy and bubbly.  May also have flavorings, some real fruit juice, or artificial sweeteners added.  

What are the health benefits of drinking sparkling water?

  • Hydration:  Sparkling water is just as good as plain water for hydration.  But be sure to choose a sparkling water without added sugar.  (For more information on hydration, see:  What beverage is most effective for staying hydrated?)  
  • Helps you fill full:  Drinking a glass of plain water helps you fill full, but interestingly a glass of carbonated water helps you feel even fuller and for longer.    
  • Constipation/Indigestion:  Have indigestion?  Sparkling water may help relieve it.  A small study of 21 people found that drinking sparkling water for 15 days helped with both constipation and indigestion.  One study found that drinking sparkling water for two weeks helped relieve constipation after a stroke.   
  • Help kicking the sugared soda habit?  Are you trying to cut back or kick the sugared sodas?  Then replacing sugared sodas with sparkling water may help.    
  • Help with weight management:  Drinking some sparkling water before a meal can help you fill fuller.  Replacing sugared sodas with sparkling water will help you consume less calories.  

What are some of the cons of drinking sparkling water?

  • Stomach side effects like burping, bloating, stomach pain, or gas.  Scaling back a bit and drinking some plain water may help.
  • Teeth – Drinking sugared sodas can harm your teeth and drinking sparling water with added sugar can lead to tooth decay.  But drinking plain sparkling water, “has minimal effects on your teeth”.    
  • Hidden Sweeteners:  Some sparkling waters contain added sugars or artificial sweeteners.    Look to see what, if anything, has been added.  Look out for added sugar, artificial sweeteners, caffeine.

Conclusion:  If you enjoy sparkling water, it’s best to choose varieties without added sugars or artificial sweeteners to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks?  My daughters prefer LaCroix.  I like S. Pellegrino or Perrier.  I always choose sparkling water in a can as I try to avoid plastics if I can.  (See:  How much plastic are you eating?)  Do you have a favorite brand or flavor of sparkling water?   


Sources:  water , water , Water , benefits , What beverage is most effective for staying hydrated? , indigestion , study , study , weight , cons , Teeth , Sweeteners , How much plastic are you eating?  Images:  Perrier  , La Croix , Sparkling water


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