Foods to prevent wrinkles

As we age, we get wrinkles.  An who wants a lot of wrinkles?  Are there foods you can eat that would help prevent wrinkles?  What are some foods that dermatologists and dietitians recommend?  My sister sent me a great article, 10 Best Foods to Prevent Wrinkles, According to Dermatologists.  There are a lot of good articles written by nutritionists about foods you can add to your day to help prevent wrinkles.  As we age our skin loses collagen and elasticity.  There are foods that can help fight cell damage and even foods that help prevent wrinkles when going out in the sun.  I call them “sunscreen” foods.  As Mayo Clinic notes:  There is some evidence that certain vitamins in our diet help protect your skin.  More study is needed on the role of nutrition, but it’s good to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.  

In addition to foods, remember to use sunscreen and wear a hat.   I use sunscreen on my face 365 days a year and I almost always wear a hat outside. 

Is there a diet one can follow that will help prevent wrinkles? 

Yes, Dr. Frank, a dermatologist in New York City recommends the Mediterranean Diet.  Why?  Because this diet emphasizes fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables are loaded with healthy antioxidants that “promote collagen healing”.  (Read more about the Mediterranean diet at Best Diets for Health 2023) 

Stock up on some healthy foods to help prevent wrinkles and to add a healthy glow to your skin.

Protein foods – protein helps build and repair skin cells and collagen.  In fact, “collagen accounts for 30% of your body’s protein.  It provides structure, support or strength to your skin, muscles, bones and connective tissue….. a well-balanced diet gives your body the raw ingredients it needs to help make collagen naturally.”

As noted in a previous blog, proteins are made up of amino acids and some of these amino acids are particularly important for building collagen.    How can you add some high-quality protein foods to your day? (See:  What are some top high quality protein foods? )

  • Eggs – believe or not, eggs are considered the gold standard for protein quality.
  • Dairy – dairy products including cow’s milk, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese.  Dairy products made from cow’s milk provides 2 high quality proteins, including casein and whey.  Enjoy some cream in your coffee?  Switch to adding some cow’s milk in your coffee and boost your protein intake.
  • Meat, fish poultry – also provide high quality protein.

Vitamin C:  Add some “C” to your day.  Why “C”?  Vitamin C rich foods help build collagen.  As noted in my blog post, Are you getting your daily vitamin C? , “Vitamin C not only supports collagen production, it helps stimulates collagen production “.   Vitamin C foods actually helps protect your skin from the sun.  NIH indicates that improving your vitamin C status may help prevent wrinkles as you age because C helps with collagen formation. 

  • Citrus fruits are loaded with C – oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, mandarins.  Although lemons are citrus, lemonade is not a great source of “C” as it is mostly added sugar.  OJ is a good source of “C” but it must be real juice, not fruit drinks or fruit punch.  SunnyD, Hi-C, Capri Sun fruit punch are not 100% juice and have a lot of added sugar.  Look at the ingredients.  If sugar has been added, it is not 100% juice.  I drink a glass of real orange juice every morning.  Then I know I get my daily “C”.
o   What is NOT Juice? (See:  Are you drinking real juice or fake juice?)
  • Juice drink
  • Juice Cocktail
  • Fruit Drink
  • Fruit Punch
  • Peppers – both red and green bell peppers are loaded with “C”.
  • Broccoli – another veggie loaded with “C”.
  • Strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew – all are good sources of “C”.
  • Blueberries – provides a good source of “C”.  Not as rich as other fruits but a half cup provides 12% of your daily C needs.

Vitamin A:  I am a big fan of eating foods rich in vitamin A or its precursor, carotene.  This vitamin not only helps prevent wrinkles it may help protect against sun-damaged skin that can cause wrinkles.  Good sources of vitamin A rich foods include dark orange or dark green fruits and vegetables.  Thus, lettuce would have little vitamin A but spinach and kale are rich in carotene, the precursor of vitamin A.  Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, peppers, mangoes, apricots, broccoli, tomatoes, and dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are good sources.  I eat some baby carrots for lunch every day as my sister recommended.  Then I know I get a rich source of vitamin A every day.  


Minerals:  two minerals are important for collagen production:  copper and zinc. 

  • Zinc – rich sources of zinc include meat, fish, seafood.  Enjoy oysters? They contain more zinc than any other food.  Enjoy some oatmeal as it is a good source of zinc.  Dairy products made from cow’s milk not only add high quality protein to your day, they also add zinc to your day.  Some breakfast cereals are fortified with zinc, but you need to read the label to see if zinc has been added.  Other sources of zinc include eggs, beans, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, and blueberries. 
  • Copper - this mineral has an important role to play in collagen production.  Rich sources of copper can be found in shellfish, seeds, nuts, organ meats, wheat-bran cereals, whole grain products like whole grain bread, whole grain crackers, whole grain pasta.  Vegetables rich in copper include potatoes, chickpeas, avocados, spinach, and asparagus.  Fruits that are good sources of copper include raw tomatoes and apples.

Summary:  Eating for healthy skin isn’t hard.  Focusing on adding colorful fruits and vegetables is a way to start.  A small leaf of lettuce on a hamburger won’t do much for healthy skin.  But a salad of spinach, carrots and some cherry tomatoes will do a lot as this adds vitamin A (as carotene), vitamin C and many antioxidants to your day.  Sprinkle that salad with some grated cheese and you added a good source of high-quality protein.  When I go to a salad bar, I pass on the lettuce and fill my plate with spinach or darker greens, top it with some cut up eggs and a side of cottage cheese.  How can you up your intake of wrinkle fighting foods?


 Sources:  10 Best Foods to Prevent Wrinkles, According to Dermatologists , skin , Mayo Clinic , dermatologist , Best Diets for Health 2023 , collagen , What are some top high quality protein foods?  , protein quality , Are you getting your daily vitamin C? , NIH ,  Are you drinking real juice or fake juice? , fruits , protect , good sources , zinc , sources   Image Sources:  Vitamin A , Protein , Orange juice


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