Fruit is not toxic and is good for your health

So much confusion about fruit.  So many people avoid or cut back on fruit because they say, “fruit is high in sugar”.  What is the truth about fruit and its sugar content?  The Washington Post had a great wellness article, “The sugar in fruit doesn’t make it bad for you, despite some trendy diet claims”.  The article is written by a dietitian who notes more and more dietitians are hearing from their client’s phrases like, “fruit has too much sugar”, “don’t eat bananas, they are too high in sugar”.  One quote in the article is, “fruit is toxic”.  Now that one I haven’t heard.  But there is so much confusion about fruit.  In the class I teach one student said to avoid Naked Juice as it has too much added sugar.  Yet, Naked Juice has NO ADDED SUGAR and is one of the healthier juice choices because they provide juice blends with no added sugar.  Naked Juice now offers juices with half the “sugar” from fructose, called “Half Naked” , but still 100% juice.
No Added Sugars, 50% Less Sugar
Growing up fruit and veggies were considered “good” foods.  Good to eat, good for your health, just plain good. Now, so many people are avoiding or cutting back on fruit because fruit has carbs, the natural sugar, fructose and yes, fruit provides some calories.  The author of the article said she has one client who avoided all fruit except blueberries because only blueberries were “safe” to eat.  What nonsense, but so typical of what we hear these days.

Yes, we should cut back on “added sugar”, the sugar manufacturers add to so many foods.  The Dietary Guidelines notes, “Healthy eating patterns include fruits, especially whole fruits.  The fruits food group includes whole fruits and 100% fruit juice.”  Fruit not only provides the natural sugar, fructose, it also provides fiber, vitamins, minerals and many antioxidants which are so important to our health.  One doesn’t get a “sugar high” from fruit as the fiber in fruit slows the absorption of the fructose.  Eating fruit as part of a meal, slows the absorption of the fructose even more.  

Cut back on fruit and you cut back on many important nutrients like vitamin C and those oh so important antioxidants found in fruit.  Yes, blueberries are healthy and good for your mind. But one doesn’t have to limit their diet to blueberries to enjoy the many health benefits of fruit.  Fruit is low in calories, low in fat, low in sodium and there is no cholesterol in fruit.  Fruit provides vitamin C, fiber, the vitamin folate, and the mineral potassium.  For the most health benefits from fruit, you want to enjoy “eating the rainbow” according to Dr. Katz of Yale University as each color in fruit provides a different array of healthy antioxidants and nutrients.  

Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Eating foods high in potassium like bananas can help lower your risk of high blood pressure, reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and decrease one’s risk of bone loss as they get older. 

What about juice?  A lot of people now avoid juice.  I drink a glass of 100% juice every day.  Drinking 100% juice also adds important nutrients to your day, especially vitamin C.  You can limit the 100% juice to 8 ounces a day if you wish.  Drinking 100% juice with meals that provide some protein and fat will slow the absorption of the fructose in the juice.  So prediabetics or diabetics may want to drink their 100% juice with a meal.  But be sure it is 100% juice and not “fake” juice.  Avoid juice drinks, fruit punch, lemonade as these are not real, 100% juice.  Be sure there is no sugar added.  Look at the ingredient list and be sure the only ingredient is juice or if reconstituted, juice and water.  If you want to reduce the “sugars” or carbs in juice, even though it is natural fructose, then try one of the Half Naked juices or dilute 100% juice with some sparkling water.

No Added Sugar, 100% Juice
Enjoy some fruit this week.  At the Farmer’s Market today we got some fresh strawberries.  Soon there will be a wealth of summer fruit to choose from.  I eat a lot of fruit.  My breakfast includes a banana (every day), some raisins and always a glass of 100% juice.  Of course, I eat my cereal, whole wheat bread and other food at breakfast, but I never miss my fruit servings.  My husband likes to put blueberries on his whole grain cereal every morning.  At lunch, add some berries to your yogurt.  Find some way to add some fruit to your day.  And ignore those people who try to tell you fruit is toxic.  Fruit is good for your health.


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