Why is a handful of nuts a day a healthy habit?

When I talk to people about a healthy diet, they usually think of foods they need to give up and stop eating.  But they should be thinking about healthy foods they can add to their day.  Dr. Oz frequently mentions adding a handful of nuts to your day.  Why?  Because nuts are good for our health.  In one class I was lecturing on how healthy nuts were.  I looked at my students and one student was snacking on a container of nuts.  He said he loved eating nuts as a snack.  And what a healthy choice for a snack.  So why are nuts so good for our health?  Is one kind of nut better than another? 
Consumer Reports has a great article, The Best Nuts for Your Health in the February 2019 issue.  Healthline also has a good article on the top nuts to eat for better health.  
Add some cashews to stir fry
Why are nuts a great snack food?
When I go somewhere and I know lunch might be delayed, I pack some nuts to take along.  Packing some nuts as a snack is a good idea for work or just when you are out and about on the go. 

  • Easy to pack, easy to carry
  • Nuts don’t spoil in heat or cold
  • Nuts are nutritious and filling

What about the protein and fats in nuts?  Aren’t nuts fattening?

Nuts are a good source of protein but not a “complete” protein.  The fats in nuts are heart healthy fats made up of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.  But those worried about the calories in nuts, can still enjoy a handful of day.  Studies have found that a handful of nuts a day, won’t add on pounds.  Why?   Maybe because people are replacing chips or pretzels with nuts- a much healthier choice.  And because of the protein, fat and fiber content, nuts help you feel fuller.  Studies have shown: “..diets enriched with nuts did not increase body weight, body mass index, or waist circumference in controlled clinical trials.”  And the calorie count in nuts may not be what the label says.  Why?  Because we don’t absorb all the calories in nuts.  “You process about 5 percent fewer calories with pistachios, 21 percent fewer with walnuts, and 32 percent fewer with almonds.”  Dr. Oz actually did a show demonstrating why nuts are not as high in calories as previously thought.  Rather than 170 calories an ounce, almonds have 129 calories an ounce.  Quite a bit different. 

Can eating nuts reduce our risk of disease?

Yes.  Adding a handful of nuts to your day can lower your risk of a number of diseases.  Eating nuts can reduce your risk of heart disease (heart healthy fats), Type 2 Diabetes, Colon Cancer and Lung Cancer.  And because nuts have what is called, “phytosterols” eating nuts can help lower your cholesterol level.  The antioxidants nuts provide are probably the reason nuts reduce your cancer risk.  Want to live longer?  Eating nuts is associated with a longer life – just an ounce a day. 

Nuts as snacks

Many foods have nuts added as an ingredient.  Trail mix or a health bar may contain some healthy nuts but they also may have a lot of added sugar and sodium.  The best way to get the health benefits of nuts is to eat the plain nut or mixed nuts.  If you like roasted nuts, choose the dry roasted as this doesn’t add oil.  Look for lightly salted or unsalted.  The candy-coated nuts like Peanut M&M’s do add calories and added sugar but I like them as my dessert.  Getting some good nutrients with the empty sugar calories.  
Almonds as a snack
What are the nutritional benefits of different nuts?  (adapted from Consumer Reports)

Type of nut
Calories in one ounce
Fiber, some calcium and vitamin E and a good source of magnesium
Selenium – the most of any nut – important for your thyroid and magnesium.
Vitamins B6 and K, and lutein, an antioxidant good for your eyes.  Good source of magnesium.
Healthy fats (like all nuts), and antioxidants good for your heart and helps lower cholesterol levels.  Good source of vitamin E and magnesium.
Loaded with 16 different vitamins and minerals (including magnesium) and more antioxidants than any other nut.
More potassium than half a banana.  Good source of B6 and magnesium. 
Want to add omega 3 fats to your day, then add a handful of walnuts.  Omega 3’s are heart healthy fats.  Good source of magnesium and some Vitamin E.

This week think of some ways to a handful of nuts to your day.  I sprinkled chopped walnuts on my oatmeal.  Even some hotel breakfast bars now offer hot oatmeal with fixings like cinnamon, raisins and walnuts.  At lunch, I often have a handful of nuts with my meal.  Or, as a healthy afternoon snack.  After reading this article, my husband bought some mixed nuts to get the health benefits of a variety of nuts.  Stopping at a gas station and picking up a snack, choose the small bag of nuts.  Pack a small baggie of nuts to take with you to work or when running errands as a quick pick me up snack.  Add some walnuts to a salad, some cashews to some stir fry.
Walnut raspberry salad


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