How to Eat Healthier at the Office

Can you eat healthier at work?     Many of us spend hours each day away from home, at the office, at work and then choose what is easy and convenient to eat.  There are a lot of temptations at work: vending machines, eating out at lunch, grabbing a quick snack from the office kitchen.    All easy and convenient but not necessarily the best for our health.  But eating at the office and away from home can be healthy if you plan ahead.  Sparkpeople has some great suggestions for you, Eating Healthier at the Office
       1.  Pack your lunch and some snacks:  bringing your lunch will not only save money but will be better for your health. 
a.       Lunch –focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, lean protein
b.      Snacks – pack a yogurt for a mid-morning pick me up, some fruit for an afternoon snack
c.       Try out some recipes they have for healthy lunches at:  lunch recipes  
     2.  Keep an emergency stash you may have forgotten your lunch or snacks but having an emergency stash at work is a healthy fall back. 
a.       Protein bars
b.      Trail mix of nuts, dried food, a package of nuts,
c.       Some instant oatmeal, soup
            3.  Practice your “No, thank you” when someone comes around with the box of morning donuts
      4.  Out of sight, out of mind – avoid the office candy dish, keep it off your desk. 
a.       Move snacks, goodies from the conference room to the break room
b.      Find an alternate route so you don’t have to walk past the candy dish in reception five times a day
     5. Rehydrate during the day with water
a.       Feeling thirsty?  That’s the first sign of dehydration.
b.      Get up and walk to the water fountain every hour or so
c.       Keep water at your desk and go to the office kitchen for some ice water and add some lemon slices you brought from home
            6.    Going out to lunch?
a.       Have a list of healthy, nearby restaurants. Make a list of the restaurants near your office.  Look at their menus or nutrition information online and choose healthier options. 
b.      Recommend to your co-workers you eat at one of the restaurants that does offer healthier options. 
c.       Review Sparkpeople’s Tips for Dining Out for ideas on how to choose healthier options
       7.  Avoid the vending machines – by having your emergency stash and packed items for snacks, you can avoid the high calorie, high sodium vending machine options
             8.   Do treat yourself – there are special occasions and parties at the office.  Enjoy them.  Keep portions reasonable, you don’t need the second donut or piece of cake.  Enjoy the food and the occasion and then return to your routine of bringing your lunch and snacks.


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