The Added Sugar Challenge
Added sugar. Seems like most foods we eat have added sugar. Last week we talked about all the added sugar in foods, especially sugar-sweetened beverages like soda pop, sweetened tea and fruit punch. The Star Tribune ran some interesting articles about added sugar, one about readers challenged to give up on added sugar for a month. Journalist , Erica Pearson, began noticing how many foods have added sugar. Not just the donuts, cakes, pies, cookies that we all know have added sugar, but the salad dressings, spaghetti sauce, ketchup, even chicken stock. The Star Tribune challenged readers to take a sugar break – a bread from added sugar for 28 days. They called it the “28-day Sugar Free Challenge” which they held in February. Why February? They said it was the shortest month which made the challenge somewhat easier. Goal – cut out the added sugar in one’s diet for 28 days. This was to include not just the sugar you added to your morning cereal or c