How to eat for healthier skin?
Who doesn’t want healthy, glowing skin that isn’t dry and flaky? And, is there a way to halt some of the signs of aging? Well, a number of foods have nutrients and substances like antioxidants that can promote healthier skin. A recent article in Environmental Nutrition, Eat Your Way to Better Skin , highlights some foods you may want to consider adding to your day. WebMD also offers some guidance on, Foods for Healthy Supple Skin . What are some of their suggestions? 1. Add vitamin A to your day – not only should you eat carrots for better vision, but also for healthier skin. Since summer is here, vitamin A also helps protect the skin from damage from sun exposure . Who wants skin that is dry or flaky? Vitamin A foods help prevent this. So add some foods rich in vitamin A. A good way to choose foods high in vitamin A are to look for foods dark orange or dark green. Thus, lettuce would have little vitamin A, but spinach greens woul