Small Changes to Boost Your Nutrition
How often do we hear, “eat healthy”, “eat nutritious foods”? Are there small changes you can make to boost your nutrition without giving up every fun food? I like to focus on what you can add to your diet to make it healthier rather than focus on taking things away. An article in Environmental Nutrition has some simple, easy ways to boost your nutrition by focusing on foods that are full of nutrition. How can you Make Your Diet More Nutrient-Dense ? Some suggestions adapted from this article: Organic Milk – is organic milk healthier? It is more expensive but is it worth it? A study in the British Journal of Nutrition noted that organic milk has more of the heart healthy fat, omega-3, a lot more, 56% more. Milk is not a great source of iron or vitamin E but these were higher in organic milk. Not to mention the healthier aspect of no hormones and no pesticides in the milk. Why a higher nutritional value? ...