Walnuts for good health?
Recently the walnut industry has been advertising walnuts a lot on TV. Eat walnuts for heart health, put walnuts on your salad. Are walnuts good for your health? Dr. Oz wrote a column with “walnuts: the superfood” and a posted blog post, The Wonderful Walnut . So why does Dr. Oz and many nutritionists think walnuts are a superfood? Omega-3 fats – these fats are the “good” fats, the fat that is good for our hearts. Walnuts are full of omega-3’s. Studies have shown that eating walnuts actually improves heart health. How? By lowering the bad cholesterol, LDL and even helping to lower blood pressure. Omega-3’s are also good for reducing inflammation. Diabetes – eating walnuts helps lower blood sugar and reduces your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. ( Nuts Good for Some with Diabetes) . Eating walnuts 2-3 times a week is helpful in lowering Type 2 diabetes risk. Vitamin E, manganese, copper – all provided by walnuts What amount of walnuts are go