Eating Dairy Foods for Good Health
In the nutrition classes I teach students are asked to assess their calcium intake by noting the foods they eat in a day and then how much calcium they took in. Invariably, the male students meet their calcium needs, but few female students do. Many female students have calcium intakes way under the recommended levels. In another class, I have the students observe a child eating lunch or dinner. It always surprises how these growing children have no milk at their meals but sweetened tea, a sugared soda, or other sugared beverage. There seems to be little understanding of how important dairy foods are for your health. What are some of the health benefits of dairy products? Bone Mass - Most people are aware we need dairy foods like milk, yogurt, cheese to build strong bones. Blood Pressure – a number of research studies have shown that consuming dairy products leads to lower blood pressure levels. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends the