
Showing posts from July, 2011

Which Foods Make You Fat?

Which foods put on the pounds and which foods help you keep those pounds off? Everyone it seems has their own ideas of which foods are "fattening" and which foods promote weight loss. But a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (June 23, 2011) puts some scientific research behind the claims of which foods promote weight gain and which foods are associated with a leaner body. Read on to learn more. What they did: the researchers from a variety of institutions in Boston studied 120,877 men and women in the US over a period of many years. They then looked at which foods were most associated with weight gain and which foods were associated with no gain in weight. Knowing which foods fall into which categories can help those who want to lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight and those who are physical trainers or just interested in a good, healthy lifestyle. Are there foods that seem to promote weight gain? This article says YES there are a number